Logo of the Lamb and Lion Inn in Cape Cod.

Directions & Contact Information

Contact Information

Lamb and Lion Inn
2504 Main St (Route 6A)
West Barnstable, MA 02668, USA

Driving Directions

2504 Main Street (6A), Barnstable, MA 02668

From the Boston area, take Route 3 South. Go over the Sagamore Bridge and follow Route 6 east (towards Hyannis). Take exit 6 off of Route 6 and turn left onto Route 132. Continue a ½ mile to Route 6A. Turn right on 6A and look for The Lamb and Lion Inn 1 mile on the left.

From the Connecticut area, take 95 to Providence. In Providence take 195 and follow signs to Cape Cod. 195 will feed you into Route 25. Take 25 to the Cape and it will feed you onto the Bourne Bridge. Go over the bridge and follow Route 6 East (towards Hyannis). Take exit 6 off of Route 6 and turn left onto Route 132. Continue a ½ mile to Route 6A. Turn right on 6A and look for The Lamb and Lion Inn 1 mile on the left.

From the upstate New York region, take 90 east to 495 towards Cape Cod. 495 will feed you into Route 25. Take 25 to the Cape and it will feed you onto the Bourne Bridge. Go over the bridge and follow Route 6 East (towards Hyannis). Take exit 6 off of Route 6 and turn left onto Route 132. Continue a short time to Route 6A. Turn right on 6A and look for The Lamb and Lion Inn 1 mile on the left side.

Traveling tips and points of interest

Historic route 6A (which we are located on) and the Route 6 highway run parallel to each other. If it’s a beautiful day and you’re not in a huge hurry to get here, we highly recommend that you tell your GPS to pipe down and take 6A east once over the bridge instead of Route 6. As you may have read, Route 6A (or “Old King’s Highway”) is designated one of the top 10 most beautiful driving roads in the USA. Lots of history, great shops, snacking stops and glimpses of the ocean along the way.

If you are taking 6A, follow signs to Barnstable and you will find the Lamb and Lion Inn on your left exactly one mile after you pass Route 132 on your right. You can’t miss our award-winning sign either. It has a large, gold lion with a lamb tucked into it’s side!

There are 2 bridges that take you to Cape Cod. There is no other way by car. They are the Sagamore Bridge and the Bourne Bridge. If you go over the wrong one, DON’T PANIC! They both drop you off around the same place (like the Whitestone and Throg’s Neck Bridges for you New Yorkers). Take 6 or 6A east from either bridge.